Thursday, November 03, 2005

Got Gauge? Hell no!

Okay all you Socktober knitters, I have one question: What the f*** happened???

This is a picture of my first knitted sock (aka Papa Sock: dark blue) compared to a heavy boot-sock (aka Mama Sock: perwinkle blue with design) compared to an actual sock I wear every day (aka Baby Sock: light blue). Sorry it's so dark but I think you can get the idea...obviously I had a gauge problem. I admit it. **Fine!** But this is what I don't understand, the stitch gauge was on at 12 st/2" but my row gauge was too big at 10 rows/2". Why does this happen, and how do you fix it? Go down a needle size? If so, how do I keep my stitch gauge?

Why did my toe come out so pointy? Did I decrease too much too fast? Should I have stopped the toe earlier, binding off with more stitches? Even with my super-long alien second toe, I still don't need this triangular of a toe.

I think the heel came out quite nicely, I mean for a giant, but still...

Anyway, I knit my first sock, turned my first heel, and made my first triangle-toe. Mission Accomplished. The sock is now a pretty center-pull ball waiting to be fingerless mitts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My handknit socks are all a little bigger in the side-by-side test with store bought ones. The wool doesn't stretch as much as cotton with elastic.

Toes? Did you decrease every round? I decrease every other until the last 3 or 4 times I need to decrease - then it's each row.

Your sock looks so much better than my first ones.